Horses Of Queen Elizabeth II

Andres Ott

Andres Ott - Uruguay

Social Media Marketing – is there payoff for small businesses?

Last night I attended an MIT Enterprise Forum dinner with a panel of experts discussing strategies for employing Social Media Marketing for businesses. The first fact that was tossed out caught everyone’s attention. Jim Watson, Senior Vice President, Managing Director or Razorfish Northwest said that Social Media traffic has surpassed porn as the #1 activity online. Now that’s saying something.

If you’ve not been paying attention, Social Media is made up of such phenomenons as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and literally hundreds of other sites that are built around connecting people and giving everyone, not just the published authors and syndicated columnists, a chance to share ideas, stories, photographs and videos with friends old and new. Many thousands of more sites have functions built into their site that allow for building online communities and interacting with their customers. Web 2.0 is about that interaction.

Andres Ott